Monday, June 23, 2008


Bilang-bilang (Karo)

Maka io ari kute bilang-bilang nu buluh minak enda
Si mula-mula tubuh ni babo taneh mekapal enda
Ni teruh langit si mingko-ingko enda
Lako nisurati mama anak Simbiring mergana enda
Nuri-nuriken pengindo la mehuli
Maka la mehuli ningku
Aku nibuang-buang anakberu-seninaku
I taneh Sukapiring ndade
Aminna muang pe ia
Labo erkite-kiteken utang kupasang
Erkite-kiteken aku la beluh nimbang-nimbangi ukurna enda
Dalanna muang seninaku
Edim perban aku liah kal ka aku ndube erjudi
Kutaktaki kusipati dungari terang.
Kutera dengnga maka mehuli ndia, maka mehuli, mama,
Di bagi enda utangku picetna, mama
Bage ka me nina anak Sembiring mergana
Ngataken kata man anak Karo-Karo mergana
Sitegu kudante ngkahe
Bageme nina anak Karo-Karo mergana ngataken kata.
E maka ngkahe seh pe jahe kuda
La ka nge dat kudana ndade
I je maka naktak iluh anak Simbiring mergana.
I ja kin pe teridah liahku nate anak Simbiring mergana
Di kalak ngkahe tandang lako ncari
Di mama anak Simbiring mergana tandang lako sirang ras anak nipupus
Tangar kin begu si enggo mate:
Enda kucibalken belo
Dat kal kudaku enda
Nina anak Simbiring mergana.
Maka anak Ginting mergana ngataken kata
Man mama anak Simbiring mergana:
Tegu kuda ena nangkeng
Nina anak Ginting mergana.
La ne tertegu nangkeng, utangku belang nina.
1. This is a lament written on oil bamboo,
2. that originally grew on this thick earth
3. under the wide-stretched sky
4. to be written by the son of the Sembiring clan
5. to tell about his ill fate.
6. Ill-fated, I say,
7. because I have been expelled by my people
8. in the district of Sukapiring.
9. The reason that they expelled me
10. was not because of my debts,
11. but because I was unable to weigh their thoughts
12. that’s why they expelled me,
13. and because I had no luck in gambling.
14. I thought about it, I weighted it, now it is clear
15. "How can it become good, uncle”
16. When I am pressured by my gambling debts?”
17. said the son of the Sembiring clan,
18. to the son of the Karo-Karo clan.
19. "Let’s bring our horses downstream",
20. said the son of the Karo-Karo clan.
21. So we went down, and the horses reached the downstream country
22. but then the horses disappeared.
23. There the son of the Sembiring clan shed his tears,
24. wherever I go, I will be ill-fated, thought the son of the Sembiring clan,
25. other people go downstream in order to earn a living
26. but I go in order to become separated from my children.
27. “Listen, you ancestor spirits:”
28. “Here is my betel offering.”
29. I got my horses back,
30. said the son of the Sembiring clan.
31. So the son of the Ginting clan said
32. to the son of the Sembiring clan:
33. "Bring your horses back to the highlands",
34. said the son of the Ginting clan.
35. "I can’t bring them back to the highlands, because my debts are too many" I said.
(by.Uli Kozok)

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